The annual Katina (robe offering) ceremony marking the end of the Vassana (rainy) retreat for monks was held on 28th October at the Adelaide Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara, Crafers SA under the patronange of Mr Nayan Perera and guidance of the Chief incumbent of the Adelaide Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara Ven Udugabbala Sumedha Thero. Sixteen Ven. Monks and Nuns participated at this ceremony from Cambodian, Vietnam and Dakkhina Dhammatthala Buddhist temples in Adelaide. Dayakas of the temple organised the ceremony which was attended by more than 600 devotees in Adelaide.
The ceremonial activity commenced at 9.00 am by bringing the Katina robe to the temple. All the devotees and Ven. Monks joined the katina perehera lead by the Sinhala Buddhist School students and teachers.
Ven. Santacārī Bhikkhunī from Dakkhina Dhammatthala Buddhist Vihara Christies Beach delivered a dhamma talk in English, for the benefit of young children explaining how the inception of katina ceremony occurred during Buddha’s time and how it is continuing up to present day.
Chief incumbent of the Adelaide Sri Lanka Buddhist Vihara Ven. Udugabbala Sumedha Thero made the welcome speech and the Five Precepts (Pancha Seela) was administered by Chief incumbent of the Upeksa Vietnam Temple in Penfield, Ven. Thich Thong Chieu. Thereafter, the dana were offered to Maha Sangha. The Maha Sangha participated in chanting the stanzas to offer the Katina Cheewara (Katina robe) to the chosen Ven Ranmuthugala Gnanawimala Thero.